I'm under some crafty construction

Actually ! I am hoping to reveal early this coming week what I've been up too!
 I have been making cards still although not to many! I'll show you those today and also I want to bring you my Word art Wednesday entry! If you have a few minutes to receive a blessing, go over to the Word Art Wednesday blog, download the free verse and create something beautiful! Enter the challenge and you might win something great!!

 For my Word Art Wednesday entry:

That asian paper is a picture of fabric from my stash!!

This is a photo digitized  of a Tiffany glass window!

Made for a card sketch challenge
and second entry for Word Art Wednesday

MAde with the scraps from the card above

a digital mix

                                               the prototype of my sons wedding invitation!!


Thanks for stopping by, I hope you have a great weekend!!
Ginny M


Great work sis.. love colours esp of Asian scrap card. Shaz. X
Hi Ginny, I can't wait to see what you've got up your sleeve and will reveal later about what you've been up to! But, right now I am loving that beautiful peacock stained glass window card. Have a great day!
Carolyn said…
Beautiful cards, Ginny. Thanks for sharing them with us.
Steve R said…
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