Word Art Wedsday digital stamps vellum printing and freebies

Welcome to Word art Wednesday's anything goes challenge!! Today I am bringing you part 2 of my vellum overlay printing!  For part one go here.  For papers, I printed on vellum and Heavenly White cardstock by Paper Temptress and used stash for accents and base. I used The Best Glue ever to keep it all together!

 Wouldn't this make a great guy card?

The beautiful verse by Karen Murray:
I was pretty sure using a deer for this weeks designer samples would be pretty common so I wanted my card to have just something a little extra, Vellum printing really looks so beautiful!

This is my deer and gift to you:

I printed my photo,  lined up my  deer and bible verse on the template ( check out last WAW)

Another great man card ( I think)!

I hope you take the time to try this and add it to your card making techniques, it is really simple and has great results!
Thank you for stopping by!
Ginny M


Esther Asbury said…
I saw your card on WAW and absolutely loved the way you used the current word art! Love your vellum overlay - this is a great masculine card! Thanks for the free deer image -- it fits the verse perfectly!
Love these overlays Ginny - I have used them too, often for sentiments that I don't have stamps for, and then I emboss them before the ink dries - works wonderfully. I agree with you that this would be a fabulous masculine card!
Cynthia said…
Lovely masculine design, Ginny. Thanks so much for the digital scripture and image.
Seo Lover said…
I would be flattened if all websites gave articles like that.
digital art
Unknown said…
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