Christian Card Makers Group Sketch Challenge and a beautiful freebie

Over at Christian Card Makers FB Group, I have a sketch challenge going. Make the card and mail it to a person on the Heartline needs list.  Each maker will then receive a card making gift.   
While in the process of making my card I realized using the strip of 2# left over would be great to create a bookmark and enclose it in that card.  Here is my card for this week:

           This card will be going to a young man who broke his neck in a a fall.  He is doing well but every kind  and encouraging word helps.  I also made this to tuck in the card, it is a left over from the  one of the papers.

I'm not sure who made the verse stamp of the duck, all from my stash.

And for your card making:

I'm also entering this in Word art Wednesday's Challenge and posting on From the Heart Group . From the heart is a wonderful group that posts the names and addresses of folks of all ages that are in need of cheer - a great way to use your beautiful cards!
 Thanks for stopping by
Ginny M 


What a beautiful card Ginny - and thank you for that fabulous freebie!!

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