Happy Word Art Wednesday, Anything Goes #462#463!

    Happy Word Art Wednesday Anything Goes Challenge everyone! Karen Letchworth has given us a beautiful devotion!  We also have another gorgeous  Bible verse digitized by Karen Murray!   This weeks'  sponsor is The Project Bin with a  $15.00 Gift card!     I hope you stop over to the blog and join in the fun.

This weeks Beautiful verse is a very encouraging Scripture,  Here is my card:

I kept this card very clean and simple - I did fussy cut the image and do a little folding for dimension.
This image is from Graciellie designs and I really like its dramatic simplicity.

Keep Praying, Keep believing, Our Heavenly Father is Faithful!

Thanks for stopping by and Try to find the time to join the challenge and mail your card!
Ginny M. 


Beautiful card Ginny - love the elegant simplicity of it.
Stay safe

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