Happy Word Art Wednesday Anything Goes Challenge #486+487 Plus a Freebie!

 Happy Word Art Wednesday everyone! Karen Letchworth has given us a beautiful devotion!  We also have another gorgeous  Bible verse digitized by Karen Murray!    Our Sponsors this week is  Newton's Nook with a $20 gift certificate  I hope you stop over to the blog and join in the fun

I truly love this verse!  Growing up close to the ocean, I could always feel the power and magnificence of the sea.

I used a scrapbook paper page to make this card, I had two images, the first print the verse was in the wrong place.  On the second print, I would have like to have had the line "as the waters" above the waterline, I am still happy with it.

I have a coastal freebie for you today:
I hear we might be getting snow this weekend in upstate NY!

I hope you have a wonderful Ressurection Sunday celebration, we plan to enjoy the day with some of our kids and our church family.

Don't forget to stop over to Word Art Wednesday and join in the Challange
thanks for stopping by!
Ginny M


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