Taking a big step

Ever have one of those "Visions" where you work and work and work and it doesn't happen , but something says keep working it?  Well that is where I have been with Maxam Made.  I had this model in my head using the Word as an out reach and getting as many people on my "team" as possible and having a ministry happen with those team members and have a lot of fun in the process.  On Saturday I had a huge answer to prayer happen.  I was in a rush to get out the door to my card party, I was finishing my hair and when I put the first hair pin in I said " Lord I need......" I put the second pin in and the phone rang, by the time I put the third pin in my prayer was answered. To spare you all the details, I found a wonderful Company in CA to produce beautiful Red Rubber cling mount stamps for Maxam Made!    I will be able to sell my stamps and stuff in my classes and in my Etsy store and from my blogs!
This is why I have been doing less blogging the last two weeks, I've been working on Maxam Made getting made, oh and shoveling, Lots of snow in western MA!
I have been making cards in between things for swaps and such

Card with clock swap

 St. Patricks Day swap

 Card for baby swap

Oriental Stamp Art challenge

I'm going back to the chopping block (literally) Make card kits!
Thank you for stopping by and I can't wait to show you the new stamps!!


Anne said…
Oh what exciting news! Bravo! I'm thrilled for you! I can't wait to see your new stamps! Your cards are as usual stunning and varied, I really don't know how you do it! Thanks for the beauty of your work!
Jan Castle said…
Hooray for you Ginny...an answer to prayer is always a Woo Hoo!!!
Looking forward to seeing your stamp creations!
Paper Hugs,
ah dear, dear sis how utterly speshul for you!!!
Am totally thrilled for you , and rejoicing in the LORD in your answered prayers... He giveth the desires of thy heart.. Ps 37 I think :D
... and LOVE your cards of course! Shaz in Oz.x
This is really exciting news Ginny. I'm sure it has been keeping you very busy! Can't wait to see what will be added to the store. Crystal

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