What's On Your Work Desk Wednesday a little late.

I thought I'd pop in over at Julias' Blog for my entry and cruise through WOYWW#391. I did a tutorial on natural shadows on Thursday and here is my 3'x3' desktop - the last thing to be packed .  I'll pack it up right before we move next week.  my workspace is now consigned to one end of a portable table. 

If you are interested in the original post just go back a day!
Thanks for stopping by!
Ginny M


Kathyk said…
Thanks for the visit, loving your desk and make too

Happy (belated) WOYWW

sandra de said…
Hi Ginny thanks for visiting. You may not watercolour but your stamped and coloured images are beautiful.
sandra de @24
Love the desk Ginny, great share great card too.
Thanks for sharing,
Shaz in Oz.x

{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
Mrs.D said…
Love your pen storage Ginny, so easy to access for your beautiful colouring of those birds.
Have a safe and successful move, I'm sure the Lord will reveal his plans for you when you have settled in your new home.
Chris #11
Sue said…
Hi Ginny, I am drooling over all your lovely pens and pencils. The birds are beautiful.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Sue #18
Hi Ginny, thanks for the visit to mine. All those gorgeous pens. Hope the move goes well. Happy belated woyww, Angela x 17
Marit said…
Such a colorful picture with all the pens and markers/paint (?) I hope the move goes smooth and well.. I hate moving myself although I moved quite a bit in my life... good luck! Oh, and thanks for your visit earlier this week... December: busy times so I'm a late with my desk visit.. have a great weekend! Hug from Holland, Marit #16
Lunch Lady Jan said…
So glad you're still crafting before the big move! Wishing you all the very best, hope all the arrangements go smoothly 😃
Hugs, LLJ 8 xx
Unknown said…
Good morning Ginny. Sorry getting to you so late but I love seeing all your markers and pencil crayons. The card you made it simply gourgous you did an amazing job. What great storage you have for them. Hope your move goes smoothly and you get into your new place without a hitch. Can't wait to see how your new craft room will be and can't wait to see more pictures of it all. Have a fantastic week.Hugs~ Anne L#15
Sharon Madson said…
Thanks for stopping by to see me, Ginny. You sure have a lot in that small space! Hope your move goes well; just can't believe you even took time to post!
That card looks awesome and you have so many pens! Good luck with the move and thanks for visiting! zsuzsa #22
I am amazed at how you could create in such a small space.
Angie said…
Moving is the pits, but unpacking is great fun because you get to organize all your supplies! Thanks for stopping by and yeah like your marker storage too!
Morti said…
I find each time I move that the craft room is the most chaotic for the longest time afterwards. We've been in our current house 3 years, and I Still don't feel settled!

Good luck with the move - and thanks for stopping by...

Morti @ 35
BJ said…
Gorgeous card, your colouring is amazing.. Sorry to be so late replying but I got to be my friend's birthing partner Thursday evening so my mind has been other places since!!! Hugs BJ#28
Shoshi said…
What a colourful desk, Ginny, and a very pretty card too, with exellent colouring. Thank you for your lovely comment - very enthusiastic and encouraging! Glad you liked reading my post.

Happy very belated WOYWW - having a busy week as usual!
Shoshi #23
Sharon Madson said…
Ginny , thanks for visiting my space. You do lovely work! Beautiful cards.see you next time. :). #36
Stacy Sheldon said…
I love how you can see all of your colors in this shot so much :) Thanks for the earlier visit, ~Stacy #37

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