How to Create a Rich Digital Card with Texture and Foiling

Today I decided to play around a little with my foils and make a birthday card while I was at it!

I printed two images of this rich colored woman holding a lantern by Gecko Galz

Pulled out a piece of my Copper Transfer Foil by Scrpaperfect

I squggeled the adhesive on my watercolor background card ( from my stash)

went over it with a palette knife

Put the foil on top ( shiny side up) burnished with my finger (rubbed), let it sit for a few miniutes

Simply lifted the foil sheet off 
and built my card!

all of my layers and embellishments were held together with The Best Glue Ever

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you give this technique a try, it is a lot of fun and really gives an extra richness to your creations!
Ginny M


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