Whole Foods and Continuing Your Education. Safe Canning is the Only Way to Preserve Food.
From my kitchen yesterday
Beautiful Black Bean and Corn Salsa and Clementines.
This Salsa is a family favorite. Producing it was also a project for me and something I want to share with you all especially if you are new to canning.
This salsa was my third batch,
My first batch was made and canned perfectly - then I remember I forgot to add the vinegar - I was on the phone and got distracted. If I had had a PH meter this might not have been such a big deal - as long as the Ph was under 4.6 It would have been okay. This was canned using the Boiling Water Bath method. I emptied every jar, dumped it back in the pot and re processed - better safe than sorry.
Batch #2 was done and canned up beautifully.
Wait, I networked with a few canning friends (Via a FB Group) about this, and the should I or shouldn't I reprocess. One of the commenters said "hey, you can't Water Bath corn or beans! My alarm bells started ringing and I though OMG I know that!! I got so excited over the flavors and convenience of this Salsa I forgot a Basic Rule.
So I am sharing this with you because mistakes happen, I am really good with pressure canning and dehydration - Water Bath is new to me, My mistake could have been deadly. Maybe not, some rebel canners say it would have been fine. Personally I never want to take that chance! For More information about Botulism. If you are new to preserving food read this!
I started with pressure canning because I wanted to make sure my food was always safe. I have spent three days reading and taking notes on water bath canning, I found printed sheets and made copies from my canning books, after educating myself more, I feel confidant again. I also have a $19.00 Ph meter on its way! I am also working on becoming certified to teach food preservation - I feel this is so important for health - I want to help everyone I can!
I feed a lot of people in different ways and I have a professional food service history - safe and clean is always a priority.
I have also had food poisoning from other kitchens that did not have the same standard. I would Never want to put anyone through that!
My purpose in canning and preserving food is two fold;
#1 HEALTH. I have autoimmune issues and so do many people I love, I want us all to be healthy and happy. Food is medicine.
I am so much healthier than I was 25 years ago- I was a train wreck!
#2 Being PREPARED for an emergency - whether is is a snow storm or a job layoff- no matter the emergency we will still need to eat. Because of my health issues I HAVE to eat very specifically- maybe that is your situation too. If it is you need to have a plan if there is a family emergency.
My family depends on me to have these ducks all lined up!
I have spent a lot of time reading and learning and will continue to do so- I buy cook books that will help me nu8ture my family and myself. I know this is a small, small amount of cook books, many of my friends have thousands. I took a different route- I learned how to cook to meet my families nutritional needs. I can't eat 95% of the SAD. Nor do I want to. I gave away 95% of my cook books -I had a few hundred.
When Steve was diagnosed with cancer in 2012, I changed the way we ate completely - I have always been a whole foods cook - but that means a lot of things and not all of them are healthy.
I focused on tailoring a food system that would meet our needs and it was a good thing because in 2016 my Immune system tanked. I was ready, I did the hours and hours and hours of reading that it took to figure out how to get my system back on track - it has taken 3 years of tweaking.
I say that because my/your health is worth everything you can do to get it on track.
You must be your own advocate.
Tomorrow, I have a post about my Canning Kitchen and some of the tools I use.
Thanks for stopping by and please, with any food handling please be safe!
Ginny M