Happy Word Art Wednesday Anything Goes Challenge #482+483 Plus a Freebie

  Happy Word Art Wednesday Anything Goes Challenge everyone! Karen Letchworth has given us a beautiful devotion!  We also have another gorgeous  Bible verse digitized by Karen Murray!  This weeks'  generous sponsor is Seth Apter Designs 2. with a $25.00 gift certificate!  Unique Stamps and Mixed media supplies, I hope you stop over to the blog and join in the fun.  

I really enjoyed making this card this week, using a beautiful digital and an old-school favorite technique.
Here is the card and keep reading if you would like more information:

My  Card

This is a composite image, I used publisher to create the finished image

To create a glass-like look, I used a coat of Lineco bookbinding glue.  I love this glue for card making and bookmaking and a faux glass texture.  I simply add a layer to the image and let it dry

I wish the photo did it justice!

This week verse:

My freebie to you:

Thank you for stopping and I hope you make a card and enter in the challenge at Word Art Wednesday
Ginny M


Cynthia said…
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