Word Art Wednesday Fresh Challenge # 635-636 Sponsored by Stamps of Life!

                   Good Morning! It is Word Art Wednesday's Anything Goes Challenge # 635-66.

 As always,  anything family-friendly goes a card, an ornament, a journal, or framed art; we love you sharing your talents and creations!  
We have our beautiful devotion by Karen Letchworth, a digital scripture gift from Karen Murray, design team inspiration, and a sweet $25.00 prize from Stamps of Life! Check the website out; there is something for every type of crafting.

My Card for this week:

For this card, I used a preprinted Anna Griffin card base and a few of her flower die-cuts

I mounted the bible verse on glitter cardstock.
Dimensional tape and gold paint were added to the flower centers.

I know I have said this many times, but I make cards to send to people, so they are pretty flat and very mailable.  There was a trend that I tried years back: stunning cards with layers of dimension, flowers, ribbons, and all kinds of amazing things.  Truly works of art on a small scale. But had to be mailed in a box.  That was beyond my time and postal budget.  My main goal in card-making is to encourage and to bring Jesus to someone's day and life.

This week's beautiful verse gift to you:

Thank you for stopping by, and I hope you have a wonderful day shared with the people you love!
Ginny M


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