Word Art Wednesday and Happy Mothers Day Challenge # 647&648 and a freebie

 Good Morning. Time again for the Word Art Wednesday Family-Friendly Challenge.  We have our Devotion by Karen Letchworth to help us on our Christian way, a beautiful verse in Calligraphy by Karen Murray from Psalm 113:9, And a $25 gift drawing from Avery Elle! good Word, another bible verse to add to our treasure chest of verses, and a prize, how awesome is that!  I hope you will take the time to make a card, enter it on the blog, Word Art Wednesday, and most importantly, send it to someone to brighten and bless their day!

My card this week features our bible verse with a beautiful watercolor by Mary Cassett done in 1890.

      Her artwork is famous for portraying mothers with children in beautiful, loving images.

This verse has a special place in my own heart; after 3 miscarriages, I was deeply discouraged and grieving.  During the 4th and 5th pregnancies, the Lord blessed me with two beautiful children and even expanded my tent with my third child, whom I did not birth.  It was all great Joy and by                           the Mercy of the Lord! 

A very special card to send to someone who understands the rejoicing in this verse!

If you would like to use this image for your own Mother's Day card:

I hope you all have a Happy Mother's Day; we are all mothers of many, birthed children, adopted, won on our knees, and forever in our hearts.
God Bless You,
Ginny M


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