Word Art Wednesday Challenge # 645-646, Sponsored by Trinity Stamps- $50 prize!


 Hello Everyone,  It is  Word Art Wednesday! Please take the time to click the blog Word Art Wednesday and check out Karen Letchworth's beautiful devotion and Karen Murphy's Digital Caligraphy featuring this week's verse: Luke 18:1. For inspiration, we have the Design Teams' beautiful card Inspirations.  Why not make a card and enter the challenge.  You can win a lovely gift certificate to Trinity Stamps- A $50 prize! 

                                     For my cards this month  I decided to use black and white portraits.                                    I love the powerful impact they have paired with the bible verse.

This week's card image is by an Etsy seller: Love Junk Journals from the Joyful Portraits collection.

When I looked at this portrait, I really felt Joy in this picture, and I thought this could be me in twenty years!  I hope and pray that the joy of the Lord is seen in my life, don't you? The verse speaks loud and clear for itself. 

The card is printed on 110# white smooth cardstock, and the base is 130# watercolor paper.

When I read this verse it makes me think of this verse: 

Psalm 139:23,24

Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:
And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

If there is any wicked way in me, I would like to know now so that I can repent and be ready when the Lord looks at the fruit of my doings!

Thank you for stopping by, and I hope you join in the new challenge at Word Art Wednesday!
Ginny M


The portraits certainly make an eye catching background to your verses this month Ginny - a wonderful portrait this week - may people also see the Joy of the Lord in me.
Barb Finnical said…
Beautiful card Ginny! I love the black and white and the expression on her face is wonderful!

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