I am fearfully and Wonderfully made, as the Psalmist said!
Knowing that I am recommitting to our family's health. We do this Steve and I , go through cycle of being on top of our game to sliding partially back down the hill, and starting over. We are back at mid hill looking up.
I love to cook, real foods, I also love to read about health and nutrition. This started for my 28 years ago when my dear friend and mentor Jane gave me a book by Adell Davis, 'lets have healthy children'
It changed my life. I did have two very healthy children, that stayed healthy and continue to be to this day. I think nutrition is so important to health and vitality, I also think the family meal is as vitally important to the wholeness and well being of family. My kitchen pantry is basically whole foods with little processed products. I do buy organic when I can but to be honest, I have our #3 three child, an almost 18 yr old male at home and he needs to eat, a lot. So in fairness to quantity as well as quality, my kitchen is semi organic, but definitely whole food. I want to get back to running, that is my goal. I was up to a 5 mile run last year and now after a 6 month absence from the gym, there is no way I could come close to that. So we are back on program;
Knowing that I am recommitting to our family's health. We do this Steve and I , go through cycle of being on top of our game to sliding partially back down the hill, and starting over. We are back at mid hill looking up.
I love to cook, real foods, I also love to read about health and nutrition. This started for my 28 years ago when my dear friend and mentor Jane gave me a book by Adell Davis, 'lets have healthy children'
It changed my life. I did have two very healthy children, that stayed healthy and continue to be to this day. I think nutrition is so important to health and vitality, I also think the family meal is as vitally important to the wholeness and well being of family. My kitchen pantry is basically whole foods with little processed products. I do buy organic when I can but to be honest, I have our #3 three child, an almost 18 yr old male at home and he needs to eat, a lot. So in fairness to quantity as well as quality, my kitchen is semi organic, but definitely whole food. I want to get back to running, that is my goal. I was up to a 5 mile run last year and now after a 6 month absence from the gym, there is no way I could come close to that. So we are back on program;
No diet pills or gimmicks. Time to own up and get in shape and STAY that way. That can only happen when you make permanent lifestyle changes. We just want to be the best we can be, don't you?