How to fix an Oops while making a card and a beautiful image from Gecko Galz and a freebie

I think it is a true thing the longer you do anything, the better you get at it.  Card making is no exception. However nothing that ends up in the trash can makes it on the blog or in the mail, and I have those too!  Anyone who makes cards knows that each card is an investment in time and materials and no one wants to waste either of those!  I had a card in mind and it was coming along nicely until I had gone on a piece of paper and that paper got knocked onto my project while I was doing something.  Of course, I noticed after it had completely set up - on a dry embossed and inked layer. and you guessed it, it tore off the surface of the card  layer when I took it off.  I'm going to show you how I did it .  if you are an experienced card maker, just scroll and got to next blog- this is for those that are newbies!

Here is the Card,

I used the Gecko Galz Parisian Craft kit for the digital image, Heavenly White for the base, and Best Glue Ever to hold it all together.  The stamp is from Our Daily Bread Designs.

Here is the oops, not a huge one, but I really did not want to start over

This is a piece of stash paper, the dry embossing broke the surface and a lit of white showed through, so I just rubbered a chipped sapphire inkpad on the surface - the white disappeared!

To fix my oops, I decided to glue a small bit of mulberry paper - probably let in my stash for the last 16 years.  I glued it directly to t printed image reverse side.

  cant even tell!

A little diamond stickels on the flowers:

I try to stay away from stuff on my card that will jam it in the mailroom.  One card gets jammed in the machine and 500  more crash into it and hit the floor.  and nobody like that!

A pretty simple fix, just add a little something, I didn't want the little something to compete with the focal image.  It all needs to work together to make a please design and card.
Thanks for stopping by and I have another freebie for you today!

I think this would nice with a sentiment in it of placed vertically!
Ginny M 


Julie said…
Thanks for the tips. You never have too much knowledge. Much appreciated.
Oh yes - one saying I have heard is that an 'oops' is an opportunity to embellish! Love your end result, and the fact that you sponged the frame around the sentiment. Thank you for the freebie

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