It is WOYWW again!  click on to Julia's blog here for the whole list of world wide work desks!  http://stamping-ground.blogspot.com/   My Day has been very busy and most of it at my desk.  my day started at 6am. so I got a lot done.  Here's what is happening:
This is what my desk looked like at 6:15 am
What a mess! First Bible reading,   getting ready to get cards in the mail, cards finished for the studio - signed and wrapped, find the address and get them weighed. Then because the days was going to be busy, get things finished :
I made flowers for the layer cards I made last week, distressed them a little and then added them to the cards: 40 out of the 50 have flowers, the others have ribbon.  Tomorrow I put on the sentiments.
Next the Geisha cards, added the acrylic medium and finished the cards:
I went to my Women's Study group, then walked Dogzilla. Beautiful color along the CT River.
Stamped up some images and heat embossed for a "stamp together" tonight with a friend, packed up a kit .
And then cleaned my desk
Thanks for stopping by, enjoy the hop and the rest of your day!!


butterfly said…
Oh my goodness.. that's a week's worth of stuff in a day! Amazing discipline on the card-making... love all those flowers, and a really good clean up at the end, how satisfying!
Alison x
inkypinkycraft said…
Looks like you were in the zone, I make one at a time and far more mess!!! Have a great week trace x. 46
kay said…
wow,you certainly pack in a lot in a day.lovely cards :)

have a fab woyww
kay #57
Your desk looks very organised! and all that precision matting, it's making me feel faint just looking at it (I also love those butterfly cards in the post below). The flowers are fab too. Happy WOYWW Cindy 17
okienurse said…
WOW what a busy day you have had today! desk looks awesome, cards look awesome, and you are so organized with that stamp together kit! Hope you have a great week. Vickie #91
Andrea said…
wow what a busy morning you've had and I was still asleep!..those flowers are fab and so many of them I'm so impressed I'm lucky if I can finish 1-2 cards in a week !!!..and left so tidy WOW have a great week x #99
Karen McAlpine said…
Ohhh! Loving all the beautiful cards!!! What was the acrylic on the geisha card? Just for shine? Turned out great. Always good to start the day off right with the Good Book...just sets the tone for the whole day, I find. Love the hand made flowers!!
Shazsilverwolf said…
Beautiful cards. I love those 'triple layer' ones- I came across them recently on SCS, been making some myself. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #107
Good grief I am shattered just reading your post. The cards are lovely. I was wondering what those 2 very large stamps are in the basket for your stamp together?
Like the fact you have the Bible out and it was your priority:-)

Katie said…
Love those flower cards! I also love your cleaned desk! Very nice!

Katie 34
Robin Spitzer said…
I love how start your day and your bible right there in the mess of it....

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