WOYWW# 183 and 28th Birthday

It is WOYWW #183 !!  The world wide desk hop that starts here:  http://stamping-ground.blogspot.com/

Grab a cuppa and a bite to eat and enjoy the trip!!

Busy day here trying to catch up:    Cut papers in to card bases 140 sheet of 12x12 C’oredinations TH papers, I love the colors.

129 more stamps unmounted

Carded and put into order here, now I can readily grab my stamps, these are my  sentiment and scripture stamps, my Asian stamps and in the bottom drawer, feminine , masculine and frames.
592 fit in this small handy space!

Then I made  my oldest  his birthday card .   Roy is graduating UW this year, aerospace engineering  R+D.  He’ll be 28.

No" Pop" these papers
This is a 6.5x5 card
And Introducing, Tom. He lives in Ashdod Israel, he adopted my friends to bring them comfort and smiles in a stressful time, sometimes there is just nothing like a baby to bring joy, even a four footed one!
Thanks you for stopping by, have a great week!


Apryl said…
I love the birthday card! I'm sure your son will too :)

Have a great week!

#11 Apryl
inkypinkycraft said…
looks like you are super organised!!
thanks for sharing.
happy woyww trace x #33
p.s. I have festive candy
Helen said…
Wow, you have been SO busy!! Love all that card.... and your son's card. Helen, 5
butterfly said…
Love the rainbow of card... and looks like you're doing a fantastic job on the unmounting. Fab cards... Happy birthday to your eldest and happy WOYWW to you!
Alison x
Love the cards you have made. I have that embossing folder, you have put it to such good use. Happy WOYWW
Shazsilverwolf said…
Gorgeous cards, and a gorgeous kitten too. I am going to unmount all my woodstamps soon, I try very hard to only buy u/m these days. Like you say, they fit into such a smaller amount of space. Well done to your son, Aerospace R&D is cool- my hubby & me work for Alcoa, and we make bolts for all sorts of aircraft/satellites etc.Have a great week, Hugs,Shaz #54
Sunshine Girl said…
I took the plunge a few years ago and unmounted all my wooden stamps too - I now store them all in ring binders but definately use them more than I did when they were on blocks and in shoe boxes! Love the card you have made - my sons birthday is on Friday - he will be 12 - and I still havent made his card yet! Sunshine Girl - no 21.
Laura said…
592?!? Wow, how do you remember what you have?
(I don't have a number as I haven't written the blog post yet!)
Maxam Made said…
This is so embarassing and I know they probably make medicine for this , but I counted them! I am keeping track of the unmounteds, Actually DH wants me to have an inventory on hand or in the safe. We had a house fire (2002) when we were first married and no ins. Lost everything just about, but my stamps and paper were totally lost. Now just in case we are completly covered.
Thanks for stopping by!
Nikki said…
Congrats on knowing what you have it's very smart to do in case of an emergancy :) I love all your folded over cards all set to go happy creating
and wonderful cards you've created for your son
hugs Nikki #24
hi Ginny,
how sweet of you!!!!!

Our kitten is a such a darling!

You know, I was in a big doubt about taking it!...

We thought and thought about it .

Then we thought some more and finally decided that IF we found the right one, we would get one.

I must say we got extremely lucky because little Tom is the sweetest kitty I think I’ve ever met.

Tom started socializing with us.

He’s a snuggler which just melts my heart and calms my worry of ending up with “psycho-head-spinning” cat..

We all love him to pieces....

Nathan is on cloud nine.

Tom is his FAVORITE Hannukah gift.

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