Happy New Year!

I hope everyone has had a great week, if not well then I hope this week will be better and that the New Year will be your best ever!  Last year was not the best ever for my family, but like other trials and tribulations that we have gone through we have come to the end of the year, stronger, healthier and happier.  Steve and I have been through a lot together, together we made it through! We always look forward with a happy expectation of a coming new year.

We've had a happy house full, my kids from the west coast are here for 8 wonderful days!  I'll post family pictures tomorrow, I need to get a shot of some of the more photo shy members..

In between cooking and caring I did get some crafting time in yesterday and made the following cards:

This card is for an an OSA Swap " anyway but folded in half  mingles"

This is a 6" petal card, the inside opens to a card that opens again - hatch like..
This card is for a monthly mingle color- motif challenge
It was supposed to be Black and Red and Gold and a snake.  Well I don't have a problem with snakes in real life, but I have yet to find one of a rubber stamp that I liked. So I opted to just do the colors and use a horse:
This for another OSA swap, "Black and one other color" the other Color for January is Yellow (bet you couldn't have guessed that):
Tonight we will be going to a church service which we normally do on New Years Eve. It is a wonderful way to say good by to an old year and hello to a new one. Trials come and go in all our lives. The One who remains faithful and true is our Saviour and Redeemer, Jesus, the Giver of life, in this world and the world Eternal.  I appreciate all the wonderful things He has given me, including the time and ability to share my life in Him with you.
God Bless you Abundantly this New Year and May it be Joyful and Happy!


ah lovely post too Ginny so love the thought at the end, my aim is to have the words of John the Baptist in my life for the year:
He must increase but I must decrease.. more Love to The o Lord.

... plus the family bits and crafty goodies too you amaze me how you do everything, love and every blessing for being a wonderful new blogging buddy :D, Shaz in oz.x

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