WOYWW#234 and why do I never get any better at this!

It is What 's On Your Workdesk Wedensday #234, for a world wide tour of desk tops Go to Julias' awesome blog 'Stamping Ground"- you'll be glad you did!
I took a break from card making, blogging, workdesk touring and just about everything else that kept me at me desk for the last two months.  It was a great break and now I feel like a Newbie back at card making!  I am working at getting the flow back, I might have better luck at the flow when I get the 'clean' back.  My craft room has been a multipurpose room during the break and I feel the need for a reorganization to happen!
I did want to participate in this weeks' hop and Mojo Monday, so for this WOYWW I am combining the two.  I have to ask myself this question, why can't I  copy and get the copy right??  Every time!  You should see me at stamp camp class, my card is stashed never to be seen by my stamp camp chums, I never get them right!  True to form, I didn't do the mojo as sketched either, so the card needed a redo before I even got halfway through!!

Here is the sketch
My workdesk (s)
Getting ready to print the focal point
First error: I didn't print in a way I could use a round punch
So I corrected that to be a punch-able.
So much craft room disarray has me searching for stuff, I had to trace a circle and cut. Of course the punch was where it was supposed to be and I found it after I cut the circle!!
Next assembling:
My work desk is not complete without a cup of coffee!
and here is my card:
Not quite the same as the card sketch, but I like it!!
This is one of my favorite scriptures too, because it speaks to as the friends of God, call and He will answer.  I first read this verse in 1980, I tried it, I called on God and felt Him answer, clearly in a way I could understand.  The key is to listen and keep listening until you understand.
For more inspiring cards click over to Word Art Wedensday  and Twist of Faith where I also submitted this card!
This is my Great Dane Luke, he is the biggest baby on the planet
he has been standing on the other side of my desk for the last hour whining, because it is 2am here and he wants to go to bed!  He won't go upstairs unless I do and I can't holler at him because it will wake DH up!!  UGH!
All I can say is he better sleep in the AM!!
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a wonderful day!
Ginny M


Belinda Basson said…
2 months would kill me to take a break from my desk...I took Sunday off this week and it was just enough for me. Love your card. #31
Alison Wade said…
Happy WOYWW and welcome back. I am taking a break from cardmaking for a while (mainly because I am now selling greeting cards for a company, but also to make time for scrapbooking and sewing), but already missing it! I love that Luke is waiting for you to go to bed. Ali x #49
jill said…
A fab card & i had to look twice at your desk because i thought i saw a dog spying on your work. Happy woyww jill #45
glitterandglue said…
What a beautiful card - even if it isn't quite like the sketch!! Don't think I have visited you before, so it was good to have a little nosey round. The dog has a great face, peering round the pens. I, too, called and Father God answered - 49 years ago now, and whilst the Christian life doesn't get any easier as we are constantly battered by all that goes on in and around us, Father's presence is beautiful as we seek to walk each step with Him.
Have a great week.
Margaret #26
trisha too said…
Look at that face, he wants you to pay him some attention!

Happy WOYWW to you!
#13 this week
with another advent calendar!

sandysewin said…
I love everything about your card: the scripture, the colors, the patterns and the design. It's very graphic and balanced.

Your doggie is so cute, waiting for you to go to bed. :-)

Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier and for the nice comments.

Happy Woyww and Happy Thanksgiving,

Sandy #9
Sharon Madson said…
I love your card and the verse you used, one of my favorites, too.
Your Great Dane is cute; I hope he let you sleep in the A.M.
Thanks for stopping by my desk this week. Happy Thanksgiving.
First, Ginny, I want to say that I LOVE your card and I thank you SO MUCH for sharing it in our challenge this week. Also, I want to tell you that you sweet and encouraging comment on the blog this morning meant so much to me. I need encouragement, too, and your words were very comforting. Thanks for joining us, and for your sweet fellowship. By the way, I hear you on the reorganization of the crafting area thing. My craft area is our dining room, and we're having guests for Thanksgiving, so my work is clearly cut out for me. But God is so good, and I have no doubt that it will all work out - praise Him!
Blessings to you,
Word Art Wednesday
butlersabroad said…
Lovely printables and scriptures Ginny and I like your card too, it will all come back, don't worry about it. I like the changes you've made to your life, we did something very, very similar a few years ago. Now if I could just ditch the busy and stressful day job my happiness would be complete, lol! From what I remember of the Summer Olympics, the US teams costumes were made in China and there was a huge backlash against RL for that, glad he learnt his lesson! You can make the cowls longer, to more dressier, or to wrap around your neck twice, or short as a scarf replacement. THis was my first one, but I was gifted one earlier in the year that's longer and I wear it as an accessory instead of a scarf. Nice to have you back again.

Brenda 1
May I say a big thank you. Why you may ask? I always hide my work at stamp class because I always mess it up somehow. Your card is an absolute beauty, I really like it. I am also pleased that you pamper your pet. Thank you for sharing your beautiful creation with us this week. It is an honor for us to have you visit.
Carole Robb Bisson
Word Art Wednesday
PS I really like that scripture.
Robin Spitzer said…
I had to look and look to spy Luke! What a wonderful shot you got! He is so cute sneaking peeks at you and trying to get you to bed! I love your printable...would you consider sharing it? I love all the verses..first I was going to retype it, but loved all your fonts and thought...just maybe...

Hugs, Robin #87
Robyn said…
anyone can get it "right"
I love your creation just as it is.
thanks for visiting and for the look around your place.
and that cute face!!!
Robyn 14
Encouraged by the scripture you used! What a pretty 3 color combo. I can't imagine two months without papercrafting, but a sabbatical renews our spirit. Happy Thanksgiving and Thank you for joining us at Twist of Faith card challenge -- Princess DT member
Debbie said…
Your card is so lovely! Behind your card is your "go to" tools and I have noticed your bone folder on several occasions in your photos. Please tell me the brand, I bet it is easy to hold and I would really like one.

I love your blog!
RosA said…
Your card is lovely. I'm sure it doesn't have to be exactly the same as the sample :)
Your doggie is SO cute waiting for you. You must both be tired.
Thanks for dropping by earlier,
RosA # 4
Nan G said…
Very nice card. I can see the sketch in the design! Love the peek a boo from the distraught four legged friend. Thanks for the earlier visit! Appreciative hugs! Nan G #21
Welcome back to the world of blogging and card-making, Ginny, although I think it is going to be a big adjustment for Luke, poor guy!! I totally love that photo of him glaring at you across the desk! It would be unnerving to be stared at and whined at, LOL! Thanks for the giggle!

Your card is beautiful!! Thank you for the visit to me! Happy WOYWW and have a wonderful week!! Hugs, Darnell #17

Dianne said…
Hello Ginny, your card is beautiful and perfect, I don't think you have to have it exactly the same, but to look like it but with you own special touch and that's what you have created. Having a break was the right thing to do we all need to do that sometimes, creating is suppose to be fun no obligations or stress just fun.I was ill for a year and when I finally could get to my desk I kind of went crazy making 200 card LOL. Your giving thanks card is gorgeous, that card isn't made by a newbie but by an card artist, thanks for stopping by my nest and for sharing.. Dianne #68
Lunch Lady Jan said…
The bigger the dog the more gentle and your Luke looks gorgeous :-) I think it's funny he won't go to bed until you do...maybe he's saying you need more sleep??
I laughed in recognition of you finding your punch after you'd rearranged the whole crafting session...I can't tell you the number of times that's happened to me!!
Hugs, LLJ 25 xx
DeDe Haysom said…
Beautiful card, and I love your space. Thanks for visiting my blog, the cathedral window technique is a favourite of mine. Hope you have a great week and happy crafting... DeDe #42
Angie said…
Ah! First I NEVER make cards that look like the sketches lol, I just can't ever bring myself to make something like everyone else! Second I have an almost 6 month old blue harlequin male Great Dane named Cooper. He is the love of my life so I was delighted to see yours peeking in the picture! Thanks for the visit!
Angie #75
Peg Robinson said…
Wow two months can go by quickly but I don't think I can stop crafting that long. Great card even if, as you say, not the same. Thanks for the visit. Peg R #83
famfa said…
lovely card, whether it is how it should be or not. well done.
i am very very late this week, sorry.
famfa 2
Zella said…
Oh Ginny - such a beautiful card and love that you did the tutorial too. Thanks for playing along with us at Twist of Faith. Love you my friend!!!!
Maxam Made said…
Hi BJ, oops on the link!! Sorry!
I use a HP deskjet 920c that I found on the side of the road!! I have also used a old Lexmark with great success. Use an ink jet or printer made for photo printing, Don't use a laser printer. Ink Jet inks work well with stamping and the laser won't. However laser would be good for sentiments only printing.

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