Happy Valentines day

It is valentines day and I am enjoying it!  My sweetheart is home with me due to the weather and working on finishing up our pretty new kitchen!

                                                       Here's my gift to him:

I did wrap it real nice, and put new tools in it, but I didn't make a card, I make Steve cards all the time and leave them for him before he goes to work. I am very blessed to have a husband that treats me like the Queen of his heart every day. He is certainly the King of mine. 
Yes we still make our friends gag.
Happy Valentines day!
Ginny M


Jan Castle said…
Good for you...and hubby...a day together - what a treat, and during the week too!!! Great gift for him - I'm sure he will enjoy using it, and you get to enjoy the results - LOL! A win, win if I ever saw one!
ah what a treasure that is Ginny every blessing. Shaz in oz.x

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