New computer, new stamping stuff = Tilt Plus WOYWW #262

It is WOYWW#263 and I'm showing you what I purchased at the Stamp show this weekend,  and working through a new computer!    The International Blog hop start here at Julia's' desk.
Maybe some of you can relate to having things that are tried and true and upgrading and then starting  then the process of  getting the new  to that point of tried and true again!  Is a little uncomfortable for you?  It is for me!  I am still grieving for my old  emachine  with windows 98.  I still miss Ami Pro.  I do not miss my old typewrite or dot-matrix printer, I'm lazy not crazy!!
The Steves are two of the most generous people on the planet (Hubby and youngest son), the two of them gifted me with a new computer , this computer has a Tera bite hard drive, that is 1,000 gigabytes !  can you imagine??  My fist PC  has 41 MGB hard drive !!! Plus I now have a 22" monitor and a 23" monitor to work from.  Two years ago Steve bought me a 23" monitor and I said what do I need that for? Wow was I crazy, if you don't have two monitors and you are a heavy computer user, you don't know what you are missing!! Now I have two big ones and a computer that could launch a space ship, I am very happy and very thankful!! 
Still working out a couple of issues (me and my camera) but that should be fixed by the end of the night. 

 I didn't go crazy at the stamp show but tried to find products that I would really use.  

I was able to pick up quite a few "Our Daily Bread Designs" sets,  Scripture pack #13 a chickadee stamp and die to match , butterfly corner.  A back ground stamp from Impression Obsession - LOVE the giant background stamps IO makes - I uses their mega mount  and really get great images!!
I picked up three sets of dimensional  imaging stamps from stamptastic - there's only one in this picture, but I will show you a card made with one of the others..  A nice Quote from Magenta, Butterflies from I can't remember where, but they are great nice and big!! then there are three wood Mounted stamps I bought in a booth, great sales team but I can't remember who they were!!

This is what's on my work desk today, till I get it all sorted:

A couple of cards I made this AM, this background I purchased last year at the stamp show from OI and is a favorite, Polka Dots in every color!!!

This card was made with a New  stamptastic squares set. 6"x6"
 This was my first attempt and I love these!!

This card I made using a purchase - 3D Crystal Lacquer   After I took this photo, I realized this card really needed more umph, so I added a turquoise liner - very thin  gave it just the right pop!

I also ran into Lindsay Weinrich from "The frugal Crafter"  Lindsay is just as energetic and charming in person as she is on her blog!!  She traveled down with two of her stamping friends and I know they were having a great time!!

SuperStampGirl was also there, we stopped and chatted for a while too.  We all kept moving and in passing saying "don't forget to check out ....."

The Heirloom stamp show was really a great time.  If you can find something like it in your area, GO!!!!
Okay I am going  back to figuring out my camera issues , 
Thanks for stopping by!
Ginny M


Okay Ginny turning the most brilliant shade of bright green downunder..

... wow!! that stash looks lovely am with you on the polka dots too wodnerful colour and stamp.. as it is the butterfly corner one .. yum!! so glad you had fun and also for new "Pooter" (as our family calls them) hope my dear one lasts longer yet it's about five or maybe six years old..

..happy WOYWW love Shaz in Oz.x no number yet.
Hi Ginny, Happy WOYWW to you, even though I'm not sure Julia's post is going up to today! I thought it was just me at first, but glad to see I didn't miss that boat! Good to see you too at the show. Of course, I spent a little more than planned, but had fun doing it all! Hugs xo
fairyrocks said…
Great new stamp pics. I do have two monitors, and when the computers are working, they are the perfect solution. Keep smiling and creating
Lorraine said…
great that gold tree
glitterandglue said…
Those stamps and the other items you bought at the show are lovely. The butterfly corner is great - so many uses for that....
Have a great week.
I would have loved to see the showcase of Christian art - but don't do facebook :-(
Well, sounds like your computer will soon be in use by NASA or similar... have fun with it all!
Jan Castle said…
Great purchases Ginny...we went to the show in Portland a couple of weeks ago and had a blast!!! Still have a few things to ink up! Congrats on your new computer, etc.... it won't take you long to feel at home with it and will wonder why you waited so long to replace the old one! Kudos to your guys!!!
Eliza said…
Hi Ginny,

Sorry getting around a bit late this week. Love the hall of stamps and bits you got, sounds like you had a wonderful time. I only wish I could go to, the shows in your country are so much better than our in Australia. Congrats on the new computer, we can meet in space one day. LOL

Hugs Eliza & Yoda
Belated WOYWW greetings.
Sharon Madson said…
Such a cute kitty card. :) I am looking forward to going to a stamp show, soon. I look forward to getting some fun goodies! Happy WOYWW! #82
jill said…
Sorry i'm late this week. really fun& lovely cards you've made . happy woyww Jill #9

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