Word Art Wednesday and Challenge #218
What a wonderful Verse we have this week at Word Art Wednesday!
When I make a card as a design team member for WAW, I take time to let the Bible verse sink into my heart and work in me. I want it to become a "Rhema" for me for the week.
I try to bring images that will compliment the verse. This week when I read the verse immediately the thought of iron works came to my mind and then behind the ironworks, a beautiful green garden. How many Brass gates do we face in our life, how many iron bars keep us from our promises? The Lord in this verse promises to go before us and make the crooked places straight, cast down the brass gates of judgment and break the bars of our prison. What strong and powerful words the Lord promises to those who love him, To those who allow Him to be mighty in their lives!!
Choose Him and be Free!
Thanks for stopping by here and click over to Word Art Wednesday, Make a card , mail it and enter our family friendly anything goes challenge, you just might win a very nice prize!
Ginny M
Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x