Healthy Pizza

Is there really such a thing?  Healthy Pizza?  YES and it even tastes good!

This is the recipie I used from Bobby Flay:

and your can check the video out too! 

I substituted 2 cups of the white flour for 2 cups of cups of a whole multigrain.  I grind my own mix, but you can use  whole wheat or any whole grain flour you have on hand.  I added an additional 2 TSP of olive oil, 1/2 tsp salt and 1tsp honey ( is also use honey instead of sugar)

For topping I used 

Lots of spinach
4 sliced tomatoes
1/2 lb of sliced mushrooms -steamed sauted
1 chicken breast
1/4 cup shredded Manchego cheese
I drizzled a little more olive oil over the top, salt and pepper and onion powder ( normally I love lots of fresh sliced onions , but we were out)!
I cook my pizzas on my ancient pampered chef cooking stone at 400 degrees.
I cut the pizza into 8 pieces.  Plenty for two dinners and Steve's lunch tomorrow.

Cost $ 5.90
$1.96 per meal per person.
Last week we paid $22.00 for a large local pizza and honestly mine was better.  

I came to a rough count of calories to be about 380 per meal.  The flour is the heavyweight here calorie wise.  Using the whole grain mix, I added fiber and protein and raised the glycemic index a bit.  This pizza had a thin crispy crust  

The great thing about eating whole grains, you get fuller much faster and you don't have that awful bloated, food coma feeling afterward!

Thanks for stopping by, I hope you give this a try, it is delicious and fun to make!
Ginny M


Elizabeth said…
Your pizza looks, and sounds, delicious - all that lovely healthy veg can only be good for you! I'm so impressed that you grind your own flour. Elizabeth xx
Ginny Maxam said…
Hi Elizabeth, It is fun! But I probably need to buy ear plugs!! Thanks for stopping by!
Ginny Maxam said…
Hi Elizabeth, It is fun! But I probably need to buy ear plugs!! Thanks for stopping by!

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