Word Art Wednesday Challenge # 220

It is a Beautiful Spring day here in South West Texas, It will be up in the 80's again and the air is so fragrant with the smell of the mountain cedars.  It is also Word Art Wednesday's 220th Family Friendly Challenge! I hope you can take the time to enter in this weeks challenge, we have some lovely prizes and always an inspiring devotion by Karen Letchworth!

This weeks verse by Karen Murray:

Such a beautiful verse, so encouraging!  This will make wonderful cards!

I kept my card very simple this week,
Using a Magenta Stamp on water color paper  and Heat embossing:

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you  have a wonderful day!!
Ginny M


What a beautiful card Ginny - love the drama of the black and white.
I love how the stamp accents the paper underneath and the texture of the embossing really adds interest and pulls it together. Very elegant.
I love how the stamp accents the paper underneath and the texture of the embossing really adds interest and pulls it together. Very elegant.

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