35 miniutes in the kitchen

Monday Morning and I'm out of bread and I'm craving a new recipe I've made.  It's an apple raisin cinnamon toasting bread.  All organic and fairly nutritious and a great way to start my day, one slice and I am fueled for hours.

I'm making this using my kitchen aid  mixer - I think my bread machine is slowly dying.  I honestly don't want to buy another one. So I am working on adapting my recipes.   The reason I have used bread machines throughout the years is because I seem to have an intolerance to touching flour - it makes my hands red and painful, the same issue with potatoes, and a few other fruits and veggies.  Not sure if the sensitivity is too the pesticides or the actual food.  Switching to all organic has helped, but I try to touch these things as little as possible.

My green, hand saving friend:

 In order to be less redundant, All the ingredients I use are organic, if you don't have organic in the house or don't buy it then use what you normally do - I always say do the best you can!
here is the basic recipe, it is Cuisinart Last minute loaf with a few adaptations:

For oven baking , just follow along

I substitute 1 cup of whole oats for one cup of flour
Throw it in my blender for about 30 seconds - whole grain oat flour!

I peeled and diced 2 small apples

I added about 1/2 cup raisins and 1TBS of cinnamon 

Using the dough hook I mixed on speed 2 for 9 minutes, scraping the bowl a couple of times

This dough isn't pretty, it is rather wet looking for bread, but don't worry it will bake up beautifully!

Place in oiled pan

Place in oven at 225 degrees for 18 minutes

After 18 minutes turn the oven up to 375
for 35 minutes

you will have a very delicious bread!

We like this for breakfast and for a snack, toasted!

And while I was in the kitchen, I whipped up a batch of pasta dough for dinner tonight

Duram wheat, semolina, powdered spinach, onion powder, basil and egg pasta

and a omatot mushroom onion sauce

all the prep and clean up took 35 minutes.

Give the bread a try, you will be so glad you did - and It is easy!!
Thanks for stopping by!
Ginny M


Hmm - I would love to be in your kitchen at times :-).

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