How to make a card rich in color and texture using the Best Glue ever. Plus a fab Freebie

Somebody asked me recently what were my favorite colors to use in card making.  That is such a hard question!  I know my least favorite would be pastels. But my most favorite?  Right now I would have to say, Teal and Copper, rich deep fall-ish colors.
Here is a card I've made this week:

 I don't like adding lots of dimension to my cards because I mail them out and I don't want to mail them in boxes.  I do want lots of 'pop" and some bling and dazzle!  So using flat embellishments, ink and texture I think  I can pull that off!   A long time ago when I went to my favorite card making class I learned that when you use dry embossing, the average tape or glue won't hold it, you need to use a score tape.  Well, that gets pretty pricey!  I have found that my trusty Best Glue Everworkss wonderfully for dry embossing , foil and glitters of all shapes and sizes - and I only need one adhesive!

A perfect adhesive for teh dry embossed pieces:

It holds the lettering beautifully, no need for the sticker machine!

It holds all kinds of glitter, I especially love it for these gorgeous mica flakes and glitter 

It holds and keeps microbeads!

The glue dries crystal clear - no gray ick that splooges out!

What more can you ask for with an adhesive- Oh Yeah, this 2 oz bottle will make about 250 cards and it is easy to store!

Stop over to Scraperfect and check out their really
awesome products, you will be glad you did! 

Here is your freebie!!  Aren't these ladies Beautiful?

Thanks for stopping by!
Ginny M


Greta said…
Absolutely gorgeous with so many details! May have to try that glue, although I love my Perfect Paper Adhesive--just wipes off your hands with no mess.
That glue is amazing Ginny - I might even fins I have to buy it if O follow the link... Thank you for the beautiful freebie.

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