First Love and Two Freebies

The first thing I started making as a Christian, in an effort to share the gospel was the humble book mark.  Back in 1981 I bought pretty ribbon from Joann's and white card board from the local dry cleaner.  Back then buying those things meant I didn't get coffee that week on the job.  I'd hand trace the cardboard and then cut the 1.75 x 6" strip, write the verse about one out of  every four actually made it to the ribbon - calligraphy was not easy for me, you know what they say practice makes perfect - wrong! I never got to that place where I was happy with how my penmanship looked.  I thank God for my computer and printer!.   35 years later I am still making them and still sharing them!

I was asked to speak at the Bible club at a local high school this week and I wanted to leave the kids with a small gift. Steve suggested I make a bookmark - perfect!
My verse is from Philippians 2, I want to encourage these kids, to help them know God has a plan for their lives.  Don't we all want to know that?  The Lord gives us gifts and dreams for a purpose - to enhance our lives and give us a purpose in the kingdom. 

Here are the finished bookmarks:

Printed and cut - thank you Steve for the scan and cut!

An ancient stamp from my stash

Backing papers

Just a tiny bit of Best Glue Ever:

Tassels added

The verses for you!

I liked this font for the teens

I'm excited about reaching out to these kids, and even if what I say is forgotten before they are on the bus- that is okay, the Word of God stands for ever and I was able to put this encouraging verse in there hands, and maybe a few encouraging thoughts about the Hope That Dwells Within us!
I hope you enjoy using the verse and thanks for stopping by,
Ginny M


Carol said…
Beautiful! Praying the Holy Spirit touches those kids heart's and they treasure this bookmark for many years to come and always remember the words of that "beautiful Christian Lady". O:)
What a fabulous bookmark Ginny, and a brilliant idea to share the gospel with - may just make some and leave them in library books... Thank you for the freebies.
Anonymous said…
I have always loved creative paper work. Painting cutting and pasting needs quality work. this is the place where we can find a good creative work of art.

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