Word Art Wednesday! And a Freebie

Happy Word Art Wednesday everyone! I hope you stop over to the Blog and join in the fun, We have an inspiring and uplifting devotion by Karen Letchworth and another beautiful bible verse digitized by Karen Murry! 
This week we have two sponsors :
The Project Bin $15 AND Bugaboo Stamps (4 digital images)
To Play:  go over to Word Art Wednesday and create a card, either with the verse or any family friendly card!  Enter it and that is it, there will be a random draw winner announced in two weeks! 
 Don't forget to mail that card and send someone a blessing!
This week I have to card samples, 
my first is using an image from our Sponsor  Bugaboo Stamps
Using the 4 Tulips set

I printed this out on an Anna Griffin paper

Colored in the tulips with alcohol markers and used red nail polish on the ladybugs and a sentiment from a previous WAW challenge.  Holding it all together, The Best Glue Ever

Love how that card came out!

My next card I also printed on designed paper ( from my stash) and used this weeks bible verse:

I just loved this image and I thought it went so well with this picture!

I also added a flower frame for you to enjoy Karen's verse

There is a lot going on my blog here today, thanks for stopping by and don't forget to check out Word Art Wednesday and join in the challenge fun!
Ginny M


Beautiful cards Ginny - I do love that second one - it's fabulous.
Thank you again for the freebie - I love them
Kathy said…
I just love both cards, but especially the one of the cowboy...how awesome a picture that brings the need of the truth of that verse to our hearts, and great for a man. The image you did above is so pretty also
Kathy said…
ps thanks for the freebie image!

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