Word Art Wednesday and a Freebie

Happy Word Art Wednesday everyone! I hope you stop over to the blog and join in the fun, This week I am writing the devotion  and we have another another beautiful bible verse digitized by Karen Murray!   Our Sponsors this week are 'The Project Bin' and Iralamija  Check out The Project Bins' link on card making tutorials

My card:

This is one of my favorite verses, When I was young and a new Christian, it gave me hope, during the hard years of raising a family, juggling work and ministry it gave me strength.  Now after all most 40 years of walking with God, I can God is true,  he has done and is doing this in my life!  He has never failed me, my life is a watered garden.

I colored my butterfly with Alcohol marker  and used designer paper for my back ground.

My freebies for you today!

I hope you stop over to Word Art Wednesday and Join in the  fun, all the details are their along with Karen's beautiful verse!

Thanks for stopping by!
Ginny M


Esther Asbury said…
What a gorgeous card and beautifully colored butterfly! I love the way you showcased that verse!
Yummo!!! simply superb, sis, I love it!! And totally agree re the verse it’s definitely up there as a favourite here too. Reading through Isaiah at moment, and two verses I really needed today. “Their strength is to sit still.” “In quietness and confidence shall be thy strength “ my dad is very unwell. Had a fall andr eally gone backwards, covet your prayers, hugs, Shaz.x
Love your card Ginny with the fabulous sparkle edge forming a wonderful 'frame' for your feature panel. Thanks too for the freebies - they are gorgeous

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