Word Art Wednesday!

Happy Word Art Wednesday everyone! I hope you stop over to the blog and join in the fun, We have an inspiring and uplifting devotion by Karen Letchworth and another beautiful bible verse digitized by Karen Murray! 

This week we have THREE Sponsors: the first is Wild Orchid Crafts and they have a special package of flowers and leaves for 1 lucky winner and the second  is,  A gift certificate to  Jane's Doodles - Digital shop.  the 3rd is a Sunny Studios $25 US physical prize These are such delightful images! 

This week I used and Oldie but Goodie stamp!  Long time ago when this stamp came out I colored it with Chalk, back when Chalk was the latest and greatest coloring tool.  I still love that medium but I have to say alcohol marker gave me the color I really wanted!

My card for this weeks verse: 

I love this verse, I truly feel His goodness and mercy following me. I have walked with the Lord for 38 years now, that is 13, 870 days.  To know His peace and steadfastness every minute of every day is amazing.  You can know that too!  Pick up a bible and start reading the gospel of John, and He will show you the way!

HAve a wonderful day,
Ginny M


What a lovely card. Have a great holiday!
Beautiful, as always.
What a gorgeous card Ginny - love that cottage, and the ribbon treatment is so different and gorgeous

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