WOYWW #176

It would seem as though I'm not doing much art work during the week as my blog has been very slow.  Actually it is just the opposite! Steve and I  are opening a new web store!  Ebay's fees have gone through the roof and I can no longer afford to sell there.  So We opened a store!  Were Still working on getting items in to it but It's up and open!!  www.maxammadestudio.com  Yay!! 
So my work desk has been off the hook busy!  Today I made these 50 layered faces:
They are 4.5x6" and I will dress the all up tomorrow - I hope!

While I was doing those the cards, Steve was working on the web stuff and had me writing blurbs for our products:  Very high tech on my side: believe it or not with my hand injury, an old fashioned pen and ink are much more comfortable to write with!!

During the card making my Genesis trimmer got quite a work out, that trimmer slice through this 100# card stock to the tiniest size like nothing!
And because I have received beautiful card from Oriental Stamp Arts Group I really needed an album to keep them in, so I made this this am, I need to dress it up a bit still:

I hope you enjoyed the 176 WOYWW here at Maxam Made! Skip on over to Julia Dunnits for the rest of the grand tour!!  http://stamping-ground.blogspot.com/
Have a great day!  Ginny


Sue said…
Wishing you well with your web store. I am sure you will have great success!
Sunshine Girl said…
Good luck with your new store! Thanks for sharing - Sunshine Girl no. 57
MiniOwner said…
Yes good luck with your new venture. Happy Wednesday. :o)
Sue x (MiniOwner @ 76)
Shazsilverwolf said…
Good luck with your store. Loving those 'triple stamped' cards- came across them on SCS, and have done a few since. I think its a great technique for fast,but cool cards.I've been playing with using tag shapes and Nestie shapes for them on my blog.Have a great Wednesday, Hugs Shaz #96 xx
Lindsay Weirich said…
Good for you! I love hearing stories of entrepaneurship! I wish you much success! Happy WOYWW Lindsay #7
Looks as though you've been busy and hopefully even busier! Good Luck with everything! Chris#109
Danielle said…
Great bases...I love my Genesis trimmer! Good luck with the new store. Dani#132
Nicky said…
Sound like you have been really busy - hope all goes well with your webstore - Good Luck - thanks for sharing have a good week - Nicky ~49
Maxam Made said…
Hi Danielle! I love the Genesis trimmer! I just put a squirt of silicon lubrecant on the cogs and it slides smooth as Butter!!
VonnyK said…
You certainly have been busy. They look fabulous. I'm a pen and ink girl myself, much better than these awful keyboards. I hope your shop is a raging success.
Have a great week and I hope your hand gets better soon.
Von #43
scrappymo! said…
Best wishes on success with you new store opening. I will pop over and take a peek. The card here look great...i am marveling at how many you have done!
Andrea said…
wow you have been busy, I dont think I've ever seen so many cards on one desk ...ever !..good luck with the store, I wish you lots of success keep us updated on progress please thanks for sharing,I look forward to catching up again next week x
okienurse said…
looks like a really busy desk there! I always find it very satisfying to stand my cards up like that and just count the penny's coming in...hopefully dollars. I keep trying to figure out how come the cost of Ebay etc keeps going up...can't be the gas issues. Hope your hand gets better and be careful writing too much and hindering its progress!;-) Have a great week and thanks for stopping by my blog for a visit. Vickie #71
butterfly said…
Wow - look at all those cards lined up... hope you sell out! Love how you've combined that fabulous punch with the BirdSong papers - that album's going to be quite something I think. Belated happy WOYWW!
Alison x

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