More Valentines

Yesterday I showed you the teen valentines I made for my young friends and today I have a batch for my older friends.  Seems unfortunately I have  a lot of single and widowed friends, I wanted to make sure they also received a valentine.
The left inside sentiment says this: 
Yea, I have loved
thee with an everlasting
love: therefore with    lovingkindness
have I drawn thee.
Jer 31:3

The above verse is totally copy-able  if you would like it!!
The right inside contains my little message.  Mine is inconsequential compared to the message the lover so faithful sends us, he has always loved us and always will. it brings me peace just reading that he draws us, always seeking to meet with us!  What and Awesome God!
I hadn't decided on what images to use for my adult valentine this year until this afternoon when I received some new images from Nicecrane.  Once I saw the new Peter Rabbit images , I thought that is it!!  I love Betrix Potter, many happy memories of those stories as a child.  I especially love her illustrations, they are just so charming.  So here we have Benjamin bunny delivering mail on a snowy day, what could be more appropriate  in a valentine coming from snowy Massachusetts!
I printed these intentionally with less ink saturation, I wanted them to look like I pulled them right out of a vintage book.  I did add a little more color to Benjamin's coat for contrast. 
I don't normally like cute but these are just so perfect for a valentine!
I actually have a few more cards tomorrow to get done : young adult single gals. I have some great images to show you tomorrow!
Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!
Ginny M


Hi Ginny, I thought that was little Benjamin Bunny on there! Boy, that's an image I haven't seen in a few years! Have a great day and keep warm!
Jan Castle said…
These card are really sweet the hint of pink on the edge of the oval!
Anne said…
These are adorable and beautifully made! I love the embossed card stock and gorgeous ribbon too! I still don't know how you make sooooo many!!!!!! xx
OMG Ginny,,,,,such a lot of pretty Lovely Cards here,,,,,,,I am falling with your embossing and the pink ribbon,,,,,,waht a vintage style,,,,and I you choose the perfect image fromn my latest Beatrix Potter Collection,,, love the cute bunny.......Iam sending a direct link to my product,,,,

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