Busy weekend here and some freebies!!

I'm running around this week end probably just like you!

I decided I did not like the proportions on one set of cards, here is the original:

Re Do's

What do you think?

And Because I know I won't be posting for the rest of the weekend here are a few fun things to play with!!  Enjoy! and Have a great weekend!!
Ginny M


Mm Ginny to be honest can't see proportional variations between first and redone all look fine.. prob more obvious in real life. Element I am not sure on is the feather.. but it also is poss a photo thing. Love the goldie effect. Great freebies thanks so much. Love Shaz in Oz x
Shelly Schmidt said…
I am loving that image and the gold is just fabulous! I see a smaller frame- bit to be honest with you- I think all three cards are just beautiful! Love the freebies- Thank You! I need an extra day in each week just for coloring : ) Have a great week.

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