A beautiful Spring day here in western MA

Still a little chilly, but it was  sunny and nice, Yay!
I've had a busy day enjoying our Saturday.  I made this today and it is my first attempt ever at making pickles

.  I really enjoyed the process and I hope to enjoy the results tomorrow!!

This arrived yesterday,

More fun ahead!

I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
Thanks for stopping by,
Ginny M


Mehrll said…
Homemade pickles are great! I used to make a lot of them. Send me a jar of yours to sample :)
Can't believe you haven't made pickles before, quite partial to them, but tummy not so happy.. Look lovely!!

You can keep your pressure cooker, I feel they are lethal weapons. I gave mine away years ago. Shaz in Oz.x
Anne said…
Yum! I wish I could eat pickles....I used to make pickled onions that would blow your socks off and sweet apple chutney. I have a basic pressure cooker but I don't use it as often as I ought..... enjoy your pickles!

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