I have/had a dream
I'm not sure what you would call it , But I have this wonderful idea of having workshops out of my home. I've had a bunch but in my present home I have room only for about 6-8 woman at a time and that is crowded! My dream is to have a studio where I can host workshops and maybe even weekend retreats! I'd love to be able to host 15-20 women at a time, have card making workshop, Christian womens' gatherings' Prayer, Fellowship and of course Food (healthy) All in the same space!!
Part of that dream s to have things ready made and ready to create whether you like real rubber or digitals, have it all there and ready to go! I am working towards having my own line of Christian rubber stamps made and of course I am excited about that!
I have vendors lined up for other supplies - this could be a totally one stop place! The first thing and my personal passion is to have thousands of bible verse ready to be die cut or cut down for card makers. Would you like to walk up to a file system and pull your favorite verse?? I would! So that is what I am working on right now. Someday I would love to have a beautiful library card file cabinet FULL of verses and sentiments
ready to be made into cards
Right now I have this, and I believe it will hold me over till I can find and afford a library cabinet
I craig listed this dresser about 6 years ago, it is oak and it weighs a ton. I need to work a little on the finish, it has been in the garage for a few years and held DVDs and such.
It will hold my cards:
three wide - I have mad a slight adjustment to teh printing. my template is now set for 8x11 this will give me a 4 up print that will allow for lots of die cutting room! judging by the depth of the drawers , I should be able to house at least 8,000 cards. That is a whole lot of verse and Sentiments!!
I'm going to keep an index using a sample placed in a page protector with the location noted on the sample card. I thought this would make things easy and inspiring for the workshops guests.
I can see it happening!
For your card making, one of my new 4 up sets:
This template is set for 8x11 size paper. right click and save for your card making.
One thing I find more and more, women enjoy the friendships of other women. For the most part Quilting bee's are a thing of the past, but the need to create and chat and relax and have fun with like minded friends is still very much alive and needed!
I am excited about this dream I have, I want to reach out with The word and help others to too!
It is the power of life! And we all need to be encouraged, sometimes a "thinking of you" from someone can make or break a day!
Thank you for stopping by and maybe I'll see you in one of my workshops!!
Ginny M