Word Art Wednesday and life in fast lane

Life right now is in the very fast lane, high speed family changes.  Wedding, Selling the house, moving, kids moving.  It is all good, it is all exciting and we feel all in the will of God for our lives. But it is a lot happening all at once. A lot of lane changing for Steve and I as we begin to recreate our lives.  I know I have said this before, and I will say it til the end of my days. 
I am thankful for the unchanging Mercy of the Lord and for His Word
 that truly is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.    

I woke up yesterday with a mountain load of things to get accomplished, and the verse from Deuteronomy 30:14 came to my mind: 

'But the WORD is very nigh unto thee, in thy mouth, and in thy heart, That thou mayest do it.'

I Love that verse but it has been a long time since it has come to my mind.  I looked it up first thing and thought thank you Lord, this is my compass for the day, I need to accomplish something that was not on my task list.  I trusted He would let me know what it was. 

The first thing I did after reading a bit and praying was to go online to see what my favorite blog had for the day : Word Art Wednesday 

I was so surprised to see that very verse in Deuteronomy!

As the went on, that verse gave me the courage to do and say a few things with confidence, that I had to plan to say and do.  God is like that, He works in ways that baffle us.  His timing is always perfect as is His love for us.

Here is my card for the Word Art Wednesday challenge 
It is simple

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you feel the Spirit of hope and Love in your day!
Ginny M


Love the verse too sis is just superb comfort to one's heart!!!
Great card... Is the image a digi?? Or did you create it?? The portion has me puzzled. Shaz in Oz.x
Love the verse too sis is just superb comfort to one's heart!!!
Great card... Is the image a digi?? Or did you create it?? The portion has me puzzled. Shaz in Oz.x
What? Huh? Who? MOVING? NOOOOOOooooooo, say it isn't so!? No, really?? NOOOOOoooooooo. OMG, first Donna and now you?? I'm dying to hear. . . Crystal
What a wonderful post and beautiful card. The card is just AMAZING, and SO beautiful. And you're so right about God's Word. It's always exactly WHAT we need exactly WHEN we need it. He gives us His precious word at the times He knows we need it. What a wonderful blessing. I feel so badly for those who walk in darkness without this precious gift He has given us. Thanks for playing along, Ginny. You always manage to lift my spirits.
Word Art Wednesday
Eliza said…
Really beautiful card

Hugs Eliza & Yoda
Mehrll said…
Gorgeous card. Praying that God will strengthen you for the many tasks you are facing. Hugs.
Natalie said…
Beautiful card! Love how the Lord moves and ministers in our lives through His word. God bless!
Mary R. said…
Thank you so very much your card is very beautiful and the
scrip goes with it for sure god bless you an dyour family....
OSA (2009)

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