Word art Wednesday and being thankful

Today is Word Art Wednesday and I loved the beautiful verse Karen Murray did for this weeks Anything Goes Challenge

Karen Letchworth  Starts here weekly devotion with this quote:

"This is a WONDERFUL verse because it reminds us that our faith must ALWAYS rest in the power of God. "  Please read the rest of this important post.  There is nothing more important in our lives than understanding the Word Of God.  We need to have it in our hearts and minds.

I was driving home from my mothers yesterday and since the AC in my vehicle isn't working I thought I'd better sing to keep myself awake, so I was singing/praying/praising.  

Part of that included these words:
Lead me Lord, I want to live with you all of my days, 
Teach me Lord, I want to walk in all of your ways.
Help me Lord, you are my strength,
Thank you Lord for loving  and keeping me.

We need to know the word, It is life, it is hope and it is peace.
My faith Stands in God.

Here is my card:

Thank you for stopping by and I hope you take the time to enter Word Art Wednesday Challenge, and then mail that card to someone to encourage them in their day.  

The Women over at WAW are hard working time crunching ladies that prayerfully bring you this blessing each week - they do an amazing job!  Thank you Word Art Wednesday!
Ginny M


Anne said…
Thanks for this Ginny. I am struggling to read my Bible and my memory is just non-existent! I need this encouragement! So many thanks! It is a beautiful card, I adore your bird image and would love to know who does it. You have layered and structures it beautifully, bravo!xx
ahhh sis, this is just so wonderful... love the image and the card, well done.
Thanks so much for popping over and for sharing.
Happy WOYWW6 Shaz in Oz.x #33

{Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}
Hello, sweet Ginny! What a fabulous card. You always do such a smashing job creating your wonderful cards using the word art. I can't thank you enough for sharing your art, your faith, and your support of our challenges. You are a gift from God, and I do praise Him for you. Thanks so much, and have a wonderful week. You may never know how much it means to me.
Word Art Wednesday

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