Ginkgo Swap for Oriental Stamp Arts - water color markers

I had a swap due today for orients stamp arts this week. For this swap you make four and send to hostess and received 4 different cards back!  Pretty straightforward.  The Hostess "Rli" always amazes us with the goodies she sends back with the swapped card!

I used a ancient Ginkgo stamp, I am not sure who makes it as I took it off its wood mount a few years ago, its and oldie and goodie!

I stamped the image in Ranger Archival - you need waterproof for watercolor pens!  Sketched in a little brick red t give it some subtle undertones.

I only used two of the green tones  for these leaves!
I layed down the darker of the greens

 Filled behind with a lighter green

With a tiny bit of water and a fine paint brush I mixed the two colors.
The pigment leave the pens from a felt brush like nib, the color just flows on to the paper!!


I added back some of the leaf veins with the fine tip on the darker green pen

Washed it till I felt like it was "right"

Because I was using cheap watercolor paper, I did get pilling, but once the paper was dry , It brushed of very easily!

Here the finished cards:

This was the first and Steve thought it lacked pop so he suggested I try it on an angle.  Good thing I did!!  
here are the other 4!

The card base is 5x7 Premium  white felt, it has a nice heavy body weight. Spectrum Aqua pens are much easier to use than I had thought they would be. 
Thank you for stopping by!


Anne said…
Very elegant! Gorgeous!
Anita in France said…
Awesome watercolouring, Ginny ... such striking and elegant gingko leaves! Thanks so much for your visit and sweet words! Anita :)
Wonderful sis, perfect card for a swap, how hand to have a eye clever critic called Steve :)
Shaz in Oz. xxxx
Mary R. said…
WOW!! Ginny I loved this Ginkgo would you be so Kind to send me a couple of these to color , thank you so much.

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