Word Art Wednesday Challenge # 201 + freebies

Hi everyone it is Word Art Wednesday Day!! 
                              Last week was our 200th challenge and we had lots of Giveaways !!                         

               Congratulations to the winner of my prize:
#20 Rozy!!

                               Rozy as soon as I have your Address I will have this in the mail to you!

This week Karen Murray has provided us with another
 Beautiful Scripture to use and be a blessing with!!

I find this verse very encouraging and inspiring: I know and have experienced through decades that the Lord wants us to find Him and receive His Blessing!!

I used this vintage image:

Combined it with the verse: 

and then colored it with my Spectrum Noir Markers:

I hope you can find the time to join us at WAW for the 201st challenge!

Thank you for stopping by!!
Ginny M


Hi sis a wonderful prize that Rozy has won what blessing and so kind of you.
I love this verse, seeking the LORD' s face is the key in our daily walk. What a clever use of the digi too.
Lord bless you dear Ginny, Shaz in Oz.x

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