Word Art Wednesday and Lawn Fawn

Happy Word Art Wednesday everyone! I hope you stop over to the Blog and join in the fun, We have an inspiring and uplifting devotion by Karen Letchworth and another beautiful bible verse digitized by Karen Murry! 
This week we have as sponsor Freckled Fawn with a $15 Gift!
To Play:  go over to Word Art Wednesday and create a card, either with the verse or any family friendly card!  Enter it and that is it, there will be a random draw winner announced in two weeks! 
 Don't forget to mail that card and send someone a blessing!
Here is my Card:

I have used  Heavenly White #120 for base and #80 to print on and also stamp.  The background layer is Distress Oxide and an IO background stamp.
Holding it all together Is Best Glue Ever

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you are able to head over to Word Art Wednesday and join in the fun - you may win a prize!
Ginny M


Migdalia said…
A beautiful card! I love the pretty background and ribbon.
Have a wonderful day,
Crafting with Creative M
Michele said…
a gorgeous and meaningful card! xo
KathyA. said…
The background on this card is amazing! Saw it on WordArtWednesday and had to stop on over to your blog to check it out. Now I am your most recent follower. Love your cards and appreciate your freebies. Thanks so much.
Oh my!!! What a fabulous background you created with the Oxide inks!!! And I love the verse. Please feel free to enter your beautiful creations in Crafter's Castle challenges....more people need to see your work :) Hugs...Janie

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