Progress on the Songbirds Quilt and Tips

I am plugging along on my Songbirds Quilt

My little birdies are coming along,  I wish I could do this faster, but with one needle embroidery each tile takes about 3 hours of stitching and total attention.

I have a couple of tips for you,

When you are running your machine be very diligent about loose threads near the handwheel.  IN this picture I am at risk, with all the vibrating, that loose thread could easily drop down and get caught in the handwheel. You Do Not want that to happen!!  It can be a disaster - trust me!

another little tip, using your quilting ruler can be great for squaring up and embroidery tile:

when this is all sewn up it will hopefully look seamless.  Haveing it squared up will help that happen.

I hope you are having a good day and doing something creative!
Thanks for stopping by,
Ginny M


Your progress may be slow Ginny, but it will be worth it - these tiles are exquisite.
Stay safe
Anne said…
Wowzer! These embroidery tiles are exquisite! I know you have a great machine, (what a blessing that was!!!!!), but it still takes a lot of skill! I can just about manage a french knot and I have never really used a sewing machine...haven't a clue how it works. I can just about managed to thread a needle!!!! Your work is beautiful and a delight to see! Bravo you!

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