Work Art Wednesday ,More Butterflies, Stickles and Mail-Able Dimension

Happy Word Art Wednesday everyone! Karen Letchworth has given us a beautiful devotion!  We also have another gorgeous  Bible Verse digitized by Karen Murray!    Check out the blog to see our Sponsors for this week!      I hope you stop over to the blog and join in the fun

My Card today is made with to digital files from my stash

I printed these on watercolor paper along with this weeks verse and then printed a separate pair to create the pop-up wings

On the pop-up pair, I added a little sparkly Stickles.  I could have used a glitter glue or sparkly pen, but those embellishments are water-based and would have caused the inks to run from my print.

I am thankful for this verse and the long-suffering of The Lord, this long-suffering allowed me and then my children to enter into his kingdom, I never pray come now, Lord.  I pray for him to make me able to stand and work in the days he has given me.

here are some lovely butterflies for you to add to your stash!

Thanks for stopping by, I hope to see your entry in the Word Art Wednesday Challenge

Ginny M


Beautiful card Ginny - love how you have used the scripture and the butterflies. Thank you for the freebies - they are so appreciated
Stay safe
Thank you for the pretty butterflies! Your card is amazing!!!

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