Another WOYWW blog hop!  The event starts here at Julias' blog and goes all the way around the world!! http://stamping-ground.blogspot.com/  Join in the fun!  Busy week for me, I'm still working on the MMStudio blog and the stuff to put in it, so I haven't been blogging much here.  I should be back on track this coming week.  I have missed my daily posting.  I have got lots of on my desk (s) for this hop! I started all of these projects on Monday!!
 First stop, my Christmas cards I'm making 90 this year and hope that will be enough. 
I'll post a picture of the completed card.  That center panel is an old magenta stamp I just love it, I am embossing it with the Gold powder I am selling in my studio ( www.maxammadestudio.blogspot.com) It is very fine and captures the detail beautifully!  - yes shameless plug!
BirdSong Graphic 45 paper in the 8x8 pad

So far I have made 4 A6 size cards and then with the scraps from those I made these:

 I am having a problem with my computer photo handler, I apologize for the poor quality photos.  I made these using the scrap from the first cards and a 6x6 separate piece of paper to make the frames.  I will add stamped images and sentiments. I cut the frames on my eCraft machine:
This is the start of an Orinetal Stamp Art swap "Cranes" also using the Birdsong paper and a traditional Asian embossing pattern.
And lastly on my last work desk, A scrappy quilt I am making for a neighbor who is in need of a little cheer!
Thank you for stopping by and I hope you enjoy the hop!
Ginny M


Joynana said…
Ginny, you have made some fabulous cards. 90 huh, I don't know if I am going to get mine done and I have several sets to make for other people. #10
Maria said…
Your cards are so beautiful so love the one with the birds on it, hope you show and tell your swap items when your finished....
Have a happy WOYWW from Maria #16
I was telling my friend who I made cards with last week about Magenta stamps. I think they went out of business. They had awesome stamps. Happy WOYWW from #4.
Sue said…
That stamp is beautiful and looks wonderful when embossed. That quilt is heavenly and will bring much comfort and cheer. Lovely work!
sandra de said…
Ohh your cards are beautiful and to make 90 xmas cards.... wow I am impressed. Enjoy your week.
Sandra @23
Alexandra said…
Oh dear Lord...look at all of those pencils/pens and what LOVELY cards. :)
TeddyBobCrafts said…
Happy WOYWW. You are so busy. Love that you make so many cards out of scraps. Can I come and play with your pens/pencils?! Ali x #62
okienurse said…
you are definitely a busy bee right now! Love all the cards and the quilt you are making for your friend is gorgeous! Great looking desks this week! Vickie #87
I love your Christmas cards, they're going to look fabulous! Happy WOYWW! Sharon #79
fishioslady said…
That is alot of cards. They are great. Have a blessed day. Melissa J #38
Ginny, hi!

What an impressive collection of beautiful cards! Lovely work!

I finally got internet connection in my new flat!

Have a blessed day and keep up stamping!
hugs from Ashdod

Maxam Made said…
90! and it may not be enough, I don't mind making a lot of one card but for this one, It is a LOT of embossing . I wish you well in your card projects!! BTW I love reading your blog!!
Maxam Made said…
Hi Elizabeth!
Magenta is still cranking out great images! They are also doing Cling Mounts now! Finding a place other than eBay to purchase them is a challange here in New England!
Maxam Made said…
I would Love a stampin' Pal!! Come on over!! Coffee is always on!!
Maxam Made said…
VICA!!!! I need your new address!! So happy for you!! I will send you an email tonight!!
Sandy Leigh said…
Your desk is wonderful and I am in love with that quilt! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh at #11
You are one busy, busy lady, Ginny! Thanks for an interesting snoop around! Have a great week! Darnell #74
Julia Dunnit said…
Whoa girl, you need to slow down!! love the Magenta stamp you've used for your cards, never saw that one over here in all my years of being a Magenta fan. The quilt for you neighbour is just beautiful, how thoughtful of you.
Jojorenee said…
I thought I did a lot! You have trumped me Ginny! Tamika #34
Laura said…
So much gorgeousness on your desk! Wow! I love those new Graphic 45 papers -- their stuff is always so detailed and interesting. Happy WOYWW from Laura #22
Bridget Larsen said…
Love magenta stamps, your cards are beautiful. I love your quilt, your neighbour would be very happy, wish you were my neighbour.

Bridget #3
Beautiful cards...nice storage for your stamps!! I need more shelves to display all my single wood stamps!! Love the work area too!!

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