Ping Prizes!

Ping was a little duck that easily became distracted by the world around him and as a result he was often late getting back in the family's boat.  The last duck on board got a spanking.  Ping was so afraid to get spanked that one day he just hid. Ping realized the love of his family and the safety of his little world was more important than doing things he shouldn't, He was never late or absent again!
And that is the Story of Ping the duck that I remember from when I was about 7.  Made a big impression, However I am still frequently late getting places, not deadlines, just places!!
My Prize winners are
Julia Dunnit
Shaz in Oz
Lisa Richard
Vickie Okienurse!
Thanks for remembering and Stopping by, I will be getting in contact with the winners for your information!
Ginny M


awwwwwww, you are tooo kind dear friend.. love Shaz.xx

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