Tutorial Time and Faux Tiles

It is tutorial Friday time at SpeedyTV     Go here for this weeks tutorial and samples: http://mfpspeedytv.ning.com/page/tutorial-time-on-speedytv
The week I tried something new again; Faux tiles!  I liked this technique quite a bit and can see where I will be able to use it in the future.  I made my Faux tiles .5 inch squares.  You will need tools you most likely already have for this simple technique. Stamps, inks, a scoring tool and score board
Select your stamps and papers.  I used Marks’ Finest Paper and Stamps Asian Delight set.

I thought I would like to do this in muted greens, grays and black,

I stamped on white  80lb paper and found this worked well in making the faux tiles.

I love layers, especially thin ones, like fine art, layers gives rubberstamping art a defined and finished look.  I am using a Genesis trimmer that I purchased a year ago on ebay for 30.00.  Some of you may know what a score that is.  This is a wonderful tool!

One really nice thing about clear stamps is the ability to make wonderful masks and place your stamped image exactly where you want it!!  I am fairly new to this clear world and I am really enjoying it.  Marks’ Stamps hold the ink very well an make very good images with little effort.   I have a few other clears and they don’t work so well which is why until Marks’ I’ve stayed away from them.

Using the mask, I have scored around where my stamped  Geisha’s are going.  My tiles are scored on the 05 line, turned and rescored making a square tile.

I lightly stamped the cherry blossom over the faux tiles and then stamped the Geisha’s.  I’m using memento inks.

Next, embellishment, coloring and Stickles for the finished card.

This card is an A6 size and the base is a 100lb black from my stash.
I hope you give this technique a try, it is simple, fast and EASY!!
Thanks for stopping by and Have a great day!
Ginny M


Jane said…
Beautiful card!!! Your rocked the Faux tiles...
Davi said…
Gorgeous card Ginny, love how you did the tiles!
Shelly Schmidt said…
Ohhh I love this beautiful card- love the technique and your layout!!!
Janine said…
Gorgeous card - love your ladies and your blossom tiles.
Lagene said…
Great Faux Tile card, love your layout!
woo ho awesome Ginny I just love this method now just have to remember it.. :D
those stamps are great too might see if they post O/S and post etc.
love Shaz in oz.x

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