I actually posted this a day early, talk about losing it, so I deleted it and am starting over!  Same stuff on my desk though, a busy day running around for me!!   It is really What is On Your Workdesk Wednesday Blog hop time #210!!   Start here At our friend Julia's blog : http://stamping-ground.blogspot.com/
I have just joined Marks Finest Papers and Stamps design team and that is what is on my desk!!
Admin work for me before stamping.  When it come to deadlines I never want to be Ping the Duck.  Do any of you remember that story?
Some of the stamps to play with, and this was about 1/4 of what came in the mail - the other are Top Secret until the July and August releases!  Fun Fun!!
And lastly on my stand up desk:
I'm packaging some wonderful 100# and 80# Strathmore card stocks that will go up  in my shop in the card making and supplies page!  You won't believe the pricing!!  That will be Thursday!
Thanks for stopping by, and enjoy your round the world hop!!
Ginny M


Hi Ginny ah so pleased to hear your DT work.. well done you!! and Ping the duck, wow had forgotten we had a well worn old copy and no idea where it went to, and bought a new soft cover as present for friends children too definitely a moral in getting things in on time he never managed to get aboard the wee sanpan without a tap on his bottom for being late, did he??
happy WOYWW Shaz in Oz.x #no number yet!
voodoo vixen said…
Ummm Ping the Duck doesn't ring any bells with me... but I love all the stamps on your desk, boy are you going to be busy with all those!! Annette #7
Sue McDonald said…
hi Ginny, cant wait to see your creations especily the ones you cant share just yet. not heard of ping tbe duck.

have a great woyww!

Sue #35
okienurse said…
I remember the ping the duck book! He was a chinese duck that couldn't make it where he needed to be on time because he was always dawdling around. Definitely a 'teaching' missive! Thanks for sharing and bringing back memories. Vickie #26
Claire said…
Love the goodies on your desk, but I LOVE your organized markers and the amazing coloured scrap-thing behind your stand up cards - such a pop of colour!
Happy WOYWW and have a wonderful week :)
no. 3
Helen said…
Can't say I remember Ping the Duck... maybe not an English thing.. lol! Your desk looks great though. Helen 13
jill said…
Never heard of ping the duck sorry.
Lovely looking stamps on your desk . Happy woyww Jill #30
Ria Gall said…
Hi Ginny
It sounds like you are one very busy lady running here there and everywhere.
Loving all the bits you have on sale I will be back to see that card stock
Happy WOYWW and I hope you have a great week
Ria #44
Hi Ginny - some of those clear stamps look interesting!! Oh and I just cruised down to your last post re - public images what a find... Happy WOYWW... Mxx #25
Well done on the DT and aren't you a lucky girl to have that huge pile of stamps to play with! Never heard of Ping the Duck, must be American! Hugs. Pam #26
Marit said…
Ping the Duck? Never heard of him (her?) but hey, I'm from the Netherlands! We had 'Rick the Kikker' ('kikker' = frog) and 'meneer de uil' (mister owl) though! those stamps look fabulous, happy crafting! Happy woyww and a hug from Holland, Marit #85
I love the way you have everything to hand on your desk - it looks very organised! Happy WOYWW, Sharon #76
Hi again Ginny .. just wanted to say you dont need to send me a surprise thanks Ginny you are too kneed so save it for someone else just was excited to hear of Ping after all this time..love Shaz.xxx
Regina Hamilton said…
Wow...You have some really nice stamps on your desk. I don't know who Ping the Duck is. Happy crafting #7
Lisa Richards said…
Oh, Ping is a wonderful storybook I read to my children! I don't remember exactly what happened (that was 25 years ago!) but I believe he was late somewhere and got separated from his family. But it ended happily!

You are one busy lady! But it looks like fun busy! :)

Have a great WOYWW,
Lisa #125
StampinCarol said…
I vaguely remember to duck story.. that was a LONG time ago. Boy, your desk is definitely busy! Oh my! And congrats on getting on the design team!
Happy WOYWW!
Carol N #115
Julia Dunnit said…
Ginny your Dt position looks fab, congrats. huge amount of stamps! am delighted that you posted early by mistake..makes me feel much more normal!!
Spyder said…
I love your pen holders at the back, I need one, was making a twirly one, with pots but it's not working! Lovely crafty space. Have a great crafty week! HappY WOyWW
((Lyn)) #51
Laura said…
Your new stamps look great. It must be fun to get to play with new things for your design team gig. Happy WOYWW from Laura #101
Anne said…
Love those stamps. Have never heard the story of Ping the Duck :-) I am sorry I am late visiting. I got so far on Wednesday and then couldn't get on laptop on Thursday. Anne x #75
glitterandglue said…
You are going to have a great deal of fun with all those stamps!! The cirle of fabric at the back - are you using it as colour inspiration or willyou be making a rag rug??
Have a great week. Margaret #67
Cazzy said…
Happy belated WOYWW due to me being away, I posted Wednesday when I wasn't here but couldn't link until Friday when I got back!

Your desk is so tidy, and I love the scrummy piles of supplies especially the stamps!
Missed Ping the duck, but I have never heard of him before!

Cazzy x #155

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