Word Art Wednsday Challange

There is a great Blog called Word Art Wedensday, it is here: http://wordartwednesday.blogspot.com/.
This Blog is all about it's title, getting the Word of God out through Art , But not only does it do that, it helps people to do it!  Every week there is a new scripture  verse posted on Weds.  Their design team has a bunch of beautiful samples displaying the verse and they allow you to take the verse at no cost and if that wasn't enough, use it and post a picture and you might win a prize of a lovely stamp or stampy type thing!  How great is that?  If that is Wonderful enough, they even allow you to use another uplifting "family friendly sentiment"!
This is my first card I am actually submitting, I've wanted to before but honestly I was shy.

This is the verse for this weds:
I thought I'd like to make this card in Subtle Greens, in an A7 size.  With this being a larger card and having a larger "face"  I wanted to make sure my colors worked, especially since I was submitting this in a challenge!
So after I put the facing on the card base, the card base is a 100lb  Strathmore textured with deckle edge paper, I pulled out my color wheel.
I stamped up a few butterfly's and put the colors together, using a tertiary group, green, red orange a touch of blue violet
 I had to pull out my Spectrum color chart, because this is why I have it, to help me work these awesome color pens to the fullest
aren't they pretty ?
here  is the final card

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a great day!  and try to find the time to check out:
you will be blessed!
Ginny M


SO very pretty, Ginny. What a blessing to have you find your way to Word Art Wednesday and to begin sharing your talents with us.
Have a blessed week and please know how grateful I am for your sweet art being shared with us.
Word Art Wednesday
Just lovely Ginny well done love the verse too have saved it my digi file on their blog, love Shaz.xx
Diane Noble said…
Ginny, first your card is absolutely beautiful! I love butterflies, so your card immediately caught my eye. So happy to have found you through Word Art Wednesday. Thank you so much for choosing to use the scripture art I created. Just wanted to let you know I noticed, and appreciated you passing it along through your blog.

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