An Easter Gift for a special friend

I've been working on a Easter Gift for a special friend.  I can't go into to much of her history because I don't want to violate her privacy, I will share a tiny bit of her interesting life.  Marcia as a teenager choose to enter into the religious life of a Nun. After high school she took her orders and lived in the convent, she attended college and taught children.  She participated in continued education and while teaching also became an excellent administrator.  At 38 She felt another calling, She left the convent and the religious life and pursued the secular life.  A year later She married Leo and became a wife and step mother of 5 young adult children.  She and Leo were very happily married for 22 years. During that time she continued her education and became a teacher at a local college.  Leo Developed  cancer and six months later Marcia did too.  Leo left this life and Marcia  retired from teaching and started again.  This is when I met her, about 5 years ago.  Marcia downsized her life and that meant giving her dog up for adoption.  The dogs new parents are Pentecostals and became Marcia's best friends and then Marcia became Pentecostal, She still works with the sisters of her former religious order doing human resource/advocate work to help them out on a regional level!!.  Marcia has been such a delight to have as my friend, her witty conversation and deep appreciation of God is inspiring.  I wanted to make her something special and something that might encompass all three of her life's changes.  I was delighted when Ignacio from Nicecrane sent me these designs to work on, they would be perfect for my Gift!  I'm really not trying to merchandize the sacred, but I sure couldn't do these my self!  My Friend Shaz in Australia could, but I can't!! If you would like to se some outstanding illuminated calligraphy check out Shazs' Blog!!   
 This set is called the Lords Prayer: I will show you each page and then how I completed  the book.
These have been water marked, something I don't normally do , but my photo skills needed the professional enhancing ( Thank you Ignacio)!

 I printed these out on 100# cold pressed water color paper , the ink in my inkjet  loved this paper !


A pretty cover:


Inside I used vellum between every page:

Punched it:
And here it is!!
These are the products I used:
Nicecrane's The Lords Prayer
Thank you for stopping by, I hope you have a great day!!


What an awe inspiring story of Marcia's very fascinating life, Ginny. She sounds like a truly amazing, remarkable and resilient woman.
Amazing Prayer Book,,,,, so delicious,,,, so unique,,,, love the vintage effect and what a crtive cover,,,, Ginny,,,,,,, wow,woww,,You are Rock.
Jan Castle said…
GORGEOUS booklet Ginny!!!!
ah Ginny very kind to link over.. off to do an Easter post hopefully with calligraphy on it..
.. this is one amazing gift .. beautifully executed, well done!
Shaz in oz.x

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