Stamp Storage Project

This weekend while Steve was on drill I decided This would be the Saturday I got my stamps under control.  About two years ago I unmounted 98% of my wood mounted stamps.  I did that for two reason, the first:  my collection was growing and my space was limited.  The second: I had really liked the new to me idea of stamping with the clear acrylic blocks and easily achieving perfect placement. I took the stamps of the blocks in December of 2012, that post is here.  Since then I have added a few more stamps - not too many - but since I never finished to my satisfaction the original project, I really wanted to get it finished and make sure my stamps were kept in pristine condition.

I store my Cling un mounted and clear stamp on 5.5x8.5 laminated cards.  I had run out before finishing the project in 2012 and needed to get more. The best price I could find for the storage cards was 7.99 for 5.  I needed at least 50 . 
I choose a more frugal way: I purchased this at Joann's,  14.99 less 50% coupon less 20% total amount:  I used my own 140# solar white card stock for laminating.   Cost: $5.30 / 100 cards.

Next I had to round up the new stamps that hadn't been  moved into herd
and find stamps that needed work:
I had a dozen or so that had needed new cling or a new layer of sticky - I use Alieens Tack it over and over.
Stamps that need new cards:

                                           Laminating the sheets took about two hours

Cutting the laminated cards: another 20 minutes
In the process
The entire project took about 6 hours
This is what about 3,000 unmounted stamps looks like
All the stamps are organized into 8 categories and they all fit here:
Now they are al organized and easy to access!
How do you store your Stamps?
Thanks for stopping by!
Ginny M


Well done Ginny I dips me lid to you! Havent that many thankfully not even a third. Would really struggle ... but you are one prolific crafter.. hugs.Shaz in Oz. xx
GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRr I envy your desk,,,,,GRRRRRRRRRRRR jajajajajaj

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