Pillars and Waymarks and count it all joy.

I made a sample for you of the verse I digitized yesterday and
 I am giving you the pillar I used to make it.  

I am so thankful to have a nice computer and enough brains to use it.  I'm serious, I had spent many many hours trying to develope a good calligraphy hand.  It just did not happen no matter how many pens, lessons or hours I spent trying.  Then in 1995 I got my first computer, I taught myself DOS and learned windows 311. I was totally hooked when I got my first COLOR dot matrix printer. I learned AMI Pro and bought "printmaster".  The hardware and I have both come a long way, one step at a time.  These memories are part of the roadmarks I have made, Where God brought me from, A single mother raising 2 little kids with just about no help and no money.   I would make a few cards, sell them, buy more stamps and ice cream cones for the kids.  I'd do a wedding set and buy a new Ram stick and pizza.  God blessed me and it grew and we thrived.  I am so thankful. That season in my life lasted about ten years.  
These verses became a heart beat, for a better day:
In the Book of James (1:16) it says:

 My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;
  Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.
  But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

I was just about shipwrecked when the man I was married to for 12 years walked out on me and our children, to completely leave our lives - with no reason or explanation.
It wasn't heartbreak, emotionally the abandonment took place about as soon as I said 'I do,' there were infidelities on his part, so the departing was no surprise, it was really deliverance.
But the plain and simple fact was I was 33, no education and no money.  Even though I had been supporting my family for 5 years anyway,  the totally alone part (no day care) was scary.

I raised my kids, kept the faith, kept life as normal as possible and the entire time, minute by sometimes minute, I held on to those verses in James, They were Waymarks for me.

I knew a better day was coming and I prepared for it, I worked hard to stay sane and keep my praise.

Then it happened, Steve Maxam walked into my church and  4 years later 
I walked into the Promised Land as Mrs. Steven Maxam.

I lived Long enough to see these verses in my life fulfilled.

I digitized them for you:  

Interesting the Lord brought me a husband that was an IT specialist and totally understood my passion for getting the WORD out in writing.

If you are struggling, Take Heart and know the Lord knows what you are going through and will walk with you and get you where you need to be, in every dimension, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Talk to Him and Read the word, raise your pillars, 
He can and will do great things for you!

Thank you for stopping by
Ginny M


Cathy Kuntz said…
Ginny, Ilove it when you share your testimony, this one is like mine, left with 3 children, no job, etc but God!!!!! we win don't we Ginny all because we have Jesus. Thank you for your testimony and the wonderful verses etc. Hugs to you,
Mehrll said…
Was this for me? The story is a little different, but the God is the same. Isn't He wonderful! Hugs.
glitterandglue said…
Hi Ginny. Haven't been around for a while, so was looking back through some of your posts. This is beautiful - and most apposite!!! Thanks for sharing.
Margaret (glitterandglue)

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